On a grander scale, look at how the US addresses situations with third world countries. The US has spent 100 BILLION dollars each year for the last ten years, to "win" in Afghanistan. A lot of that one trillion dollars went to tribal leaders in an attempt to buy their support of the US imposed government. In other words they hired some Afghans to kill their fellow Afghans for the US. And now the fascist state is turning on the money pump in the Ukraine in an effort to kill off anyone that won't support the US position. Hiring one half of the people to kill off the other half is very common.
But of course the US can't afford universal health care for its denizens. I would have said citizens, but it is an election year and the right-wing element needs the Hispanic support so any benefits now will cover every person, dog and cat in sight. And working amerikans will pay for these giveaways.
Do you remember the good old days when wars were fought between two countries. Let's look at wars that the US participated in since WW II. The Korean War(a civil war), The Vietnam War(a civil war to "stop the domino effect"), The war in Nicaragua(a civil war), and the second war in Iraq(a civil war that didn't even exist at the time of the invasion). The first war with Iraq did actually involve a second country(Kuwait). And now of course, the Ukraine where this time another power/country is involved. And do you notice that this time the US is fighting a physical war. Very interesting.
Do you notice something in common with all of these wars. They all involved the US imposing its will on a third world country. Mind control and setting up a system where one half of the working class can kill the other half of the working class that won't support the amerikan imposed government. A second combative country is never involved.
And in the did you know department:
The following are 17 facts to show to anyone that believes that the U.S. economy is just fine…
#1 The home ownership rate in the United States has dropped to the lowest level in19 years.
#2 Consumer spending for durable goods has dropped by 3.23 percent since November. This is a clear sign that an economic slowdown is ahead.
#4 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of all families in the United States do not have a single member that is employed. That means that one out of every five families in the entire country is completely unemployed.
#6 According to a new report from the National Employment Law Project, the quality of the jobs that have been “created” since the end of the last recession does not match the quality of the jobs lost during the last recession…
#7 After adjusting for inflation, men who work full-time in America today make less money than men who worked full-time in America 40 years ago.
And here is a shocker:
#10 The middle class in Canada now makes more money than the middle class in the United
States does. And the Republicans just blocked another attempt to raise the minimum wage - you don't think they are trying to make things worse just to win an election. Nah, they wouldn't do that - would they¿
The wealthy in amerika keep getting wealthier.
In the next post I will show you how the media misdirects you to keep you from seeing the above.