- TECHNOLOGY! The wealthy can afford the best technology and they can hire people who can show them how to use the technology to increase their wealth. About a month ago, a news article appeared that described how a group of wealthy investors put in a high speed fiber optic cable from Chicago to northern New Jersey. This cost them 300 MILLION dollars and it allowed them to "jump to the front of the line" in placing stock, futures, commodities, etc. orders. This allowed them to reap the benefit of 1-3 CENTS per item on large orders. The net result of this questionable(akin to insider trading) was that these wealthy investors were making about 300 MILLION dollars A MONTH! Now that is a good return and technology made it possible.
Now even if some everyday Joe had seen that possibility of using technology, that person would never have been able to do anything about it. And if he would say anything to someone with resources, he would have been left in the cold while the wealthy run with the idea.
The bottom line is that technology has greatly increased the wealth generating possibilities of the already wealthy.
2. Another major factor is more sinister and controlled. For decades, when productivity increased, which increases wealth, the workers who contributed to the increased productivity received a portion of the increased wealth generated. Thus, their income increased.
While the fascists flooded the work place with cheap labor(women, immigrants and technology), the elite rulers also made a concerted effort to break up unions. When Reagan fired the striking Air Traffic Controllers, he created open season on breaking up unions. These two above factors contributed greatly to allowing the elite fascists to treat workers as slaves.
Once the elitists had slaves, there was no need to share the increase in productivity and wealth with the workers. So while productivity increased at an unprecedented rate starting in the mid 70s, worker's wages stagnated or even decreased. No longer did workers participate in the fruits of their labor. You do not need to treat slaves well!
So where did all of that newly generated wealth go? It went to the 1%! Where else?
But don't forget about those terrorists that the ruling elite facilitated when they created a leadership vacuum in Iraq. It seems that everyone in the world knew that would happen - except of course, the ruling elite fascists. Maybe those elitists did know(remember Project "Big Bang"?) and they wanted war. War is good for profits - just ask Dick Chaney! But that's another story.