Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Amerika the most barbaric of nations.

In a recent Sunday editorial in the Tampa Bay Times, someone finally said what I have known for years.  Amerika is one of the most barbaric, if not the most barbaric nation on earth.  Amerika tortures and kills its civilians, razes small countries, tortures foreign citizens, and randomly bombs civilians in the name of stopping "terrorism".  You bomb civilians to terrorize the population; after all isn't that what terrorists do?

I have frequently said that in addition to the CIA's insane drive to get rid of me, they were using me to spread their terrorism to the rest of the US population by showing workers what would happen to them if they weren't good slaves.  And the  workers knew and know this.  That is why they would give me words of support, like "kick 'em in the balls for us"!  And complete strangers would come up to me and want to shake my hand or pat me on the back for fighting the barbaric terrorists.  Unfortunately, now that I'm old and have been beaten so badly for so many years, I haven't been able to really keep up the battle against the amerikan Nazis.

I ran into an amerikan Nazi member today and she just smirked at me like an German Nazi party member probably smirked at surviving members of a Jewish family after they had shipped of a family member to the concentration camps.  After all, party members get rewarded and they believe nothing can ever happen to them or Nazi amerka. 

What has happened to create Nazi amerika.  Historians are still debating and writing about how Nazi Germany occurred.  But you can get a good view of the creation of Nazi amerika in a DVD titled, "Requiem for the American Dream".  The documentary has it right(pardon the pun).

I mentioned earlier that I am now old and have been beaten for almost 40 years.  I'll bet the evil, hubris CIA said when they originally set me up as a witness for them in that trial, just as they said  the President 15 years ago in regards to getting rid of AL-Qaeda.  "IT WILL BE A SLAM DUNK."  I WONDER IF 15 YEARS WILL BECOME FORTY?  Never underestimate the stupidity of arrogance!!!!

Amerika the most barbaric of nations.

In a recent Sunday editorial in the Tampa Bay Times, someone finally said what I have known for years.  Amerika is one of the most barbaric, if not the most barbaric nation on earth.  Amerika tortures and kills its civilians, razes small countries, tortures foreign citizens, and randomly bombs civilians in the name of stopping "terrorism".  You bomb civilians to terrorize the population; after all isn't that what terrorists do?

I have frequently said that in addition to the CIA's insane drive to get rid of me, they were using me to spread their terrorism to the rest of the US population by showing workers what would happen to them if they weren't good slaves.  And the  workers knew and know this.  That is why they would give me words of support, like "kick 'em in the balls for us"!  And complete strangers would come up to me and want to shake my hand or pat me on the back for fighting the barbaric terrorists.  Unfortunately, now that I'm old and have been beaten so badly for so many years, I haven't been able to really keep up the battle against the amerikan Nazis.

I ran into an amerikan Nazi member today and she just smirked at me like an German Nazi party member probably smirked at surviving members of a Jewish family after they had shipped of a family member to the concentration camps.  After all, party members get rewarded and they believe nothing can ever happen to them or Nazi amerka. 

What has happened to create Nazi amerika.  Historians are still debating and writing about how Nazi Germany occurred.  But you can get a good view of the creation of Nazi amerika in a DVD titled, "Requiem for the American Dream".  The documentary has it right(pardon the pun).

I mentioned earlier that I am now old and have been beaten for almost 40 years.  I'll bet the evil, hubris CIA said when they originally set me up as a witness for them in that trial, just as they said  the President 15 years ago in regards to getting rid of AL-Qaeda.  "IT WILL BE A SLAM DUNK."  I WONDER IF 15 YEARS WILL BECOME FORTY?  Never underestimate the stupidity of arrogance!!!!

Amerika the most barbaric of nations.

In a recent Sunday editorial in the Tampa Bay Times, someone finally said what I have known for years.  Amerika is one of the most barbaric, if not the most barbaric nation on earth.  Amerika tortures and kills its civilians, razes small countries, tortures foreign citizens, and randomly bombs civilians in the name of stopping "terrorism".  You bomb civilians to terrorize the population; after all isn't that what terrorists do?

I have frequently said that in addition to the CIA's insane drive to get rid of me, they were using me to spread their terrorism to the rest of the US population by showing workers what would happen to them if they weren't good slaves.  And the  workers knew and know this.  That is why they would give me words of support, like "kick 'em in the balls for us"!  And complete strangers would come up to me and want to shake my hand or pat me on the back for fighting the barbaric terrorists.  Unfortunately, now that I'm old and have been beaten so badly for so many years, I haven't been able to really keep up the battle against the amerikan Nazis.

I ran into an amerikan Nazi member today and she just smirked at me like an German Nazi party member probably smirked at surviving members of a Jewish family after they had shipped of a family member to the concentration camps.  After all, party members get rewarded and they believe nothing can ever happen to them or Nazi amerka. 

What has happened to create Nazi amerika.  Historians are still debating and writing about how Nazi Germany occurred.  But you can get a good view of the creation of Nazi amerika in a DVD titled, "Requiem for the American Dream".  The documentary has it right(pardon the pun).

Monday, July 25, 2016

Are you a worker or a slave?

Americans work 34.4 hours per week on average, spending more time at work than employees of any other developed country in the world. Employed full-time, the average U.S. adult works 47 hours per week. And, according to a recent Gallup poll, 18% of American workers report working at least 60 hours per week. With such grueling hours, job satisfaction is of the utmost importance.

While happy employees are by no means the norm in the United States, there are of course numerous companies which are very highly regarded by their workers. 24/7 Wall St. examined thousands of reviews on job review website Glassdoor to determine the best companies to work for in America. Bain & Company leads the nation, with a rating of 4.6 out of 5.0. The average rating on Glassdoor is 3.2. All 58 companies on this list have earned a rating of at least 3.8 from their employees.
It should come as no surprise that many of the happiest employees are well paid. In the case of demanding consulting and technology jobs at companies such as PwC or Google, employees are paid some of the highest salaries in the country. At other companies, including wholesale warehouse club Costco, employees are paid hourly and not especially well compared to all occupations. However, Costco and other retailers and restaurants on the list pay very competitive salaries by industry standards, and mostly offer relatively generous benefit packages.

However, research has shown that a decent salary is only a partial driver to workplace satisfaction. Four in every five workers would prefer benefits such as medical insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans over a pay raise, according to a recent Glassdoor survey.
Compared to many other high income nations where these benefits are provided by the central government, American workers are far less likely to have health insurance and retirement plans. The United States is also one of the only developed countries without guaranteed paid time off -- even China requires paid time off for its workers by law. At these companies at least, the perks are excellent.
The best companies to work for also tend to be financially successful. It may be that happy employees help improve the bottom line or that success breeds a better work environment. In any case, working for a profitable company improves the likelihood that employees will be offered professional opportunities since resources are available to invest in the workforce.
Profits and job satisfaction are directly related at some of these companies. A number of the best companies to work for offer, in addition to traditional benefits, a profit sharing program. At Delta Air Lines, for example, employees are awarded bonuses at the end of each year based on the performance of the company. Procter & Gamble, which has the oldest profit sharing program in the country, is another notable example. Many Delta and P&G employees feel motivated by the profit sharing program and cite it as one of the major advantages to working at the company.

In order to determine America’s best companies to work for, 24/7 Wall St. independently reviewed employee ratings and testimonials on Glassdoor - this is not a Glassdoor.com commissioned report - retrieved on July 6, 2016. Among the more than 400 companies and organizations reviewed, 24/7 Wall St. identified the 58 businesses that received the highest overall ratings. Employee satisfaction is measured by Glassdoor on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0, where 1.0 is very dissatisfied and 5.0 is very satisfied. To be considered, a company had to have at least 1,000 reviews and an average rating of 3.8 or higher. When two or more companies had the same review score, the company with more employee reviews was ranked higher. Government agencies as well as nonprofit companies were excluded from our analysis. Employee totals and revenue figures are for the most recent fiscal year available. Sources include company documents and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. For companies that do not provide data, Forbes estimates were used. For companies reporting revenue in foreign currencies, we converted the revenue into U.S. dollars based on the effective exchange rate at the end of the company’s fiscal year.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Surviving in the Fascist State

In my meeting with Russell, I couldn't help but think "How can a person survive four decades of injustice?"

Saturday, April 2, 2016


It was interesting talking to my sister the last time the Nazi terrorist were attacking me not too long ago.  Because my sister was dying from cancer she didn't have to fear retaliation from the Nazi terrorists if she didn't support their fabricated story of what destroyed my life.  She knew, as a lot of people know, that the amerikan Nazi terrorists had destroyed my life.  So at one point in our conversation, I said "maybe I should have gone to the White House for that small formal dinner with the President when I was invited.(Yes I was actually given an invitation which is pretty amazing given the Nazi terrorists version of my life and my life in near poverty.)  But my sister immediately responded. "No, you did the right thing!"  She responded with such alacrity that you could hear the anger and bitterness in her voice.

See, when the Nazi terrorists destroy a life, they also cause hardship, pain, suffering and death to those around you.  In their jargon these other people are just "collateral damage."   So some poor honest working class people suffer pain and destruction.  It's just too bad; collateral damage.  Amerika has no conscience and has lost its moral moorings.

My sister knew the destruction the Nazi terrorists did to her family too.   Of course, being from the working class there was nothing she could do about.   But, since she was dying from cancer, she could speak the truth even if the Nazi terrorist were listening in to the conversation.  What could they do?  She was dying, so terrorizing and threatening her would have no meaning.  She was FREE(as in freedom - you know that word the fascists throw around).

In the beginning of being a political prisoner, I use to wonder why the amerikan people would tolerate such evil, criminal activity.  Eventually I concluded that most amerikans just don't care and those that do seem to belong to the Nazi camp.

I just watched the movie "The Big Short" which is about how amerikan financial institutions commited fraud and in essence a glorified Ponzi scheme that caused the economic collapse in 2008.  Their crimes just about caused a worldwide depression.  The people involved in the corruption profited greatly and they were have a good time and saw nothing wrong in what they were doing.  They were just being elitist capitalist amerikans.  When  rational people who could see the criminal acitivity in the financial markets  confronted these criminals about the obvious impending doom, they just responded with the phrase I had heard so many times, "you don't know what your talking about."  In my case the response was and is, "There was no rigged federal trial and no one terrorized and tortured you."   And the happy, profiteering fascist elitists go on their merry way, leaving in their wake, pain, suffering, destruction and death of working class people.   The collateral damage in this case: 8 million jobs, 6 million homes and a 5 year recession.   Is amerika great or what?

And, as in my case, no one was ever convicted or even arrested for any criminal activity.  The fascist elite just went on their merry elitist ways and found new ways to commit fraud, crime, corruption and the destruction of new victims.

So who are these Nazi terrorists?  I'll explain in an upcoming post.  But they are everywhere -  they may be your neighbor, your local insurance salesmen, the clerk who waits on you at the store, at the bank or at the library.   As a fellow political prisoner put it, "They hide in the woodwork just waiting to come out and attack another victim."   These amerikan Nazi terrorist serve the fascist state for personal gain and they have little or no conscience. 

And, as in the movie The Big Short, the people who know what these scum-of-the-earth elitists fascists really stand for, just shake our heads in disgust and want no part of them and their fascist state.  Maybe in my next post I'll tell you how I really feel about the amerikan Nazi terrorist!

Monday, March 14, 2016

More than one way for the US to bomb people.

I haven't posted anything for a while, because how can anyone top the circus going on in the country now.  The circus, of course, is the political events/campaigns.  However, the following item about war in the middle east has been completely ignored by the fascist media.

Saudi Arabia, amerika's puppet government in the middle east has been carry out indiscriminate bombing campaigns throughout the region.  Here is what is going on currently as reported by Amnesty International.
"It's the war that no one is talking about. Thousands of civilians have been killed and injured by the Saudi Arabia(/US)-led coalition since the conflict began in Yemen.  Where is Saudi Arabia getting the bombs to do it? One major seller is the U.S. Government.  And now President Obama has authorized the sale of over 18,000 bombs and 1,500 warheads to Saudi Arabia."   Get involved, write to your representatives.

"Saudi Arabia's government has led a devastating campaign of unlawful air strikes and bombardment of civilian targets in the next-door country of Yemen.

Yemen is in a humanitarian crisis, with over 2.5 million displaced, and 82% of the population in need of some form of humanitarian assistance.

While all sides have committed violations, a UN report found that Saudi Arabia-led coalition airstrikes were responsible for most of the civilian deaths in Yemen's conflict.

The Saudi Arabia-led coalition declared the entire city of Sa'da—civilian homes included—a military target, which is in direct violation of international humanitarian law."

Note added:  Calling the elections the "Circus" is not a reflection on the current candidates, but rather a statement about the election process.  I've been calling the elections a Circus that comes to your town ever 1.2 and 4 years ever since I learned amerika is a fascist state some 30 years ago.  The elections are fascist candidate 1 versus fascist candidate 2 - no real choice.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Before I get to my message for today, I read yesterday that according to a congressional report, the Cowardly Idiots Association (CIA) lies to its own employees.  Of course they had a rational for it, but knowing that, how could anyone truly believe in "Weapons of Mass Destruction".  But it worked - look at the hell it has created.  The triple Ds, Destabilization, Destruction and Death - what the CIA works for.  BACK TO THE MAIN TEXT:

Every time I hear someone say "I don't care if the government listens to my phone calls.  I haven't done anything wrong", I want to grab that person and slap them silly.  That person is expressing total, complete ignorance on how indoctrination, mind control and totalitarian states work.  When I first began to work for  Gamma Supplies, one of the first things I became aware of was my lack of privacy. There was no working lock on my office door and my desk drawers where I kept my files had no locks on them.  Since security in research is next to Godliness, I immediately went to pathological liar Jack Kopac and asked for locks to be installed.  He immediately went into this routine about being a small company, and that locks weren't necessary.  This was from a man who was "leading" a case in a patent infringement lawsuit on which the company's defense would be based on my results in the lab.  I knew he was full of sh.. at the time, but he was my boss.

The lack of locks meant that anything I did was available to anyone who wanted to come into my office.  The only exception was the files I kept in my locked Samsonite briefcase.  The locks on that brief case were minimal and anyone with knowledge  of locks, and/or a set of Samsonite keys could easily open my briefcase.  It turned out, that frequently when I was out of my office in a controlled situation(meeting, visit to another company, etc.) that whenever I came back, I would notice my briefcase had been moved, or something on my desk was just not right.  And on at least one occasion, papers in the briefcase had been deliberately moved.  Jack Kopac and whoever was behind the trial rigging wanted me to know that everything I said and did was being monitored.   I kept asking myself why??? 

It was only later in my life when I started studying mind control, mental torture and stress,  that I learned LACK OF PRIVACY is a key and necessary element in mind control, indoctrination and terrorism(FEAR).   I NOW know why I had no privacy at Gamma Supplies and to this very day, this lack of privacy and confidentiality technique is used against me. 

Let me give you an example of how innocent, personal information conveyed in a phone call can be used against you.   While at RAM, I had need to call a former colleague for some technical information.  During that conversation, my friend asked me about my problems with Gamma Supplies.  I told him I was still being harassed and that I was probably going to have to go to the FBI.  We ended the conversation and I went back to work at my desk.

Within about 3 minutes of that call, my immediate manager came into my office and said he wanted to talk to me in his office.  I went down the hall to his office and he closed his door and started talking about nothing specific. I was beginning wonder why he had called me into his office, when he got to the point.  He said that if I went to the FBI about my problems,  RAM would not be able to allow to continue working there.  In other words, lack of privacy was being used to generate fear by threatening me with unemployment.  This message was delivered immediately after I had talked to my colleague on the phone and I had never mentioned to anyone prior to that about going to the FBI.   The faster illicit information  is used against the victim, the more effective it is.  In this case, if the manager had waited a week and then brought up the subject of the FBI, the terrorizing effect would have been greatly mitigated or non-existent.

The idea of going to the FBI demonstrates how indoctrinated I was in that I believed in the amerikan system.  You now can see in movies like "The Insider" and the current hit movie "Concussion" how business and government work together against the innocent working class victim(s).

Lack of privacy is KEY to keep people in line in a totalitarian state.  Monitoring your phone calls, searching you home, keeping track of what you read in books and on the internet, tracking your movement(cameras) with or without your permission or knowledge in the name of national security is no minor violation of your rights.  It creates insecurity which makes you vulnerable to indoctrination and it generates fear of Big Brother!

FEAR and how it is generated is the topic of my next blog.

NOTE ADDED for all those people I want to slap silly.  I never did anything wrong or KNOWINGLY did anything illegal yet everything I say and do is used against me!!!!!  And for all those Nazi jackasses out there, I know "everything" is a hyperbole.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fascism and the Fascist State in the News.

Here are two examples from the recent news which are confirmations of my recent posts.

1) Everyone has heard about the Sean Penn interviews with "El Chapo" and his subsequent arrest.  Let me first say that everyone talks about his three escapes, but how dumb can you be to be captured four times!   While everyone is talking about his capture,  nobody has noticed that Sean Penn said in a TV interview that his purpose in doing the "El Chapo" story was TO SHOW WHAT A FAILURE THE AMERIKAN WAR ON DRUGS HAS BEEN.  That is what I said in my last post!  At least one other person in amerika can see the truth.

2) Disney, that all-amerikan company has hired immigrant TECH workers(not manual laborers) to replace amerikan born and presumably amerikan educated tech workers.  To rub salt into their wounds, Disney had the employed amerikan workers train the immigrants how to do their job before Disney fired them and replaced them with the immigrants.  The immigrants came to the US on government visas.  Can anyone say Fascism?!  Can anyone say Greed?!  Make bad investment decisions(ESPN) and then bring in cheap, immigrant labor to help your bottom line.

If you read my past blogs you will see how amerikan businesses embraced immigrants Fuzzy Yazdoni and Garo Agopian while destroying my life - I am sad to say I am amerikan born and educated.  But of course no one would listen to me 30+ years ago when I warned workers.

And finally, to all those fascist, Nazi loving sickos who think it is patriotic and fun to harass me and use Nazi conditioning techniques to promote the Nazi lies about events and to make my life hell, I have one thing to say to all of you - GO TO HELL - literally.  Do you think the Fascist State can save you - good luck on that one!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

THE WAR MENTALITY - WAR ON ......fill in the blank.

After the President's speech last night, which I didn't watch, it is time to publish my War blog which I wrote over a month ago.  First he said we shouldn't live in fear of ISIS, and second, we now have a War On Cancer.

Notice how good programs are now always labeled as a "war", except actual wars involving the military.  War on Cancer and War on this and that helps make actual, real war seem innocuous.  I mean who can object to a War on Cancer - a noble cause.  In fact, most real wars are labeled something else.  For example, the Department of War is now called The Department of Defense and real wars are given labels like Operation Desert Storm or "mission" to do something.   This subtle but effective word play makes "war" seem like a good thing to most amerikans.  That is how propaganda and indoctrination works.

If you remember, in a recent blog post, I said I do not worry about ISIS ever having a direct effect on me and I do not live in fear(more on that later) of ISIS.  And my position is not based on the fact that US troops are battling the current enemy.  For the moment, I lost my statics to show you why I don't fear ISIS, but I do remember the last item on the list and the lowest probability was that a person is 8 time more likely to be killed by a policeman in amerika than by ISIS!  If I can find the list, I will publish it later.

Over ten years ago, the fascist state started a "WAR ON TERRORISM" and destroyed a country base on "Weapons of Mass Destruction".  Remember that lie which was a very effective tool for creating FEAR(that word again). At the time of creating the "War On Terrorism",  I thought, this is every rightwing Nazi lover's dream - a never ending war.  A recently published book on terrorists supports my belief.  I haven't read the book, but according to reviews, the author concludes that there will always be terrorists.  It is part of human make-up nature;  it is part of our DNA.   And remember that the terrorists can be either internal or external.  But they will always be with us resulting in a NEVER ENDING WAR ON TERRORISM.

Of course, the war lovers will tell you that terrorism can be eliminated with enough fascist state control and a US world wide military police force.  All you have to do for the war on terrorism to succeed they say, is give up all your freedoms and allow total surveillance of everything you do.  In other words live in a totally oppressive totalitarian state.

And what can you expect this never ending war on terrorism to bring us?  Well let's look at another never ending war, the WAR ON DRUGS.  That war has been going on for 40 to 50 years and what do the American people have to show for it?  We have bloated police forces and police agencies(FBI, etc.) with bloated budgets with confiscation of private property which allows them to buy military style hardware that seems to mostly be used to play games(exercises) and to intimidate civilians.  The result of course is a I am God mentality among police which has resulted in increased police brutality and the use of excessive force.  AND OF COURSE, DRUG USE HAS ALL BUT CEASED TO EXIST!  Hah, Hah, my joke! It has probably lead to an increase in legal drugs(prescription drugs) which is capitalism in action.  Another result has been that many people who have committed minor drug use offenses are serving prison terms longer than those given to murderers.

This increase in the prison population has also benefitted capitalists on two fronts.  First, the prison system has been more and more privatized and two, prisoners can now do work(forced to work?) for major corporation at very low wages.  While this does help the prisoner get useful job skills, it also encourages filling the prisons with more and more prisoners.  And overloading of the prison system is a problem in amerika.   Privatization of social functions and services is a common tool used in creating a fascist state.  Turn these societal functions over to corporations which funnel money to the elite ruling class who then spend more money on getting patsies elected who then vote to privatize more government functions.  And the viscous cycle goes on and on.

So what can you seriously expect from the War On Terrorism??  More war.  More spending of your tax dollars and "privatization of war" called security forces and of course, less terrorism, right?  I mean the war on terrorism has been going on for at least 10 years and there is way less terrorism now days.  Right?  I mean you hardly hear terrorism and terrorists mentioned in the media.  Ha, Ha, another one of my jokes.

These are just some thoughts on where the world is heading and who is leading the charge - and again I ask "why do people love war?!"

Probably FEAR will be my next blog.   I'll demonstrate how fear is created and exploited to create fascism.  And I'll give you some personal examples and also nationally inspired examples, and how fear is exploited to control the ignorant, and I truly mean ignorant masses.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Battlefield America and Psychopaths

During the holiday season I didn't publish any blogs because the Nazis taught me early that people are preoccupied during that time period and they don't pay any attention to things like reading blogs.

In the interim, I have read two books which have given me plenty to write about.  One is "Battlefield America" by constitutional lawyer  John W. Whitehead which discusses the amerikan fascist state and how amerikans have been controlled and manipulated into accepting Fascism and the resultant totalitarian state.  As is frequently the case, I was way ahead of people who are just now beginning to recognize fascist amerika for what is.

The other book is one which address a problem I have long struggled with.  That is what is the difference between true biological Psychopaths and people who have what I call a "Psychopathic Personality"?  In the work environment everyone has run into people who act and behave in a manner that mimics a psychopath(lack of empathy, manipulative, grandiose, unwilling to take responsibility for one's actions, and lacking in remorse), but they do appear to have some recognition of right and wrong buried in their psychic.  Psychiatrist and lawyer Ronald Schouten and lawyer James Silver examine this conundrum in the tome "Almost A Psychopath".  It is a problem I have struggled with for years after dealing with a true psychopath in Jack Kopac and then frequently and currently having to deal with "almost a psychopath" because of my situation as a political prisoner.  The Nazis usually use people with a psychopathic personality to create problems since these people do not see a problem with destroying another person's life.  Destroying people's life fit their personality.

Of course, I have experienced all the common problems of a whistleblower as described by expert Donald R. Soeken.  And that term whistleblower is allowed to be used in the fascist state media.  However, I am also a political prisoner which is not an acceptable term in fascist U.S.  One time I did see an editorial about an amerikan Indian who is considered a political prisoner because he spoke out about the fascist state treatment of his people and was incarcerated.  But, because of amerika's great wealth, the fascist state has learned how to make people prisoners even if they cannot create a "legal" reason for incarcerating them.  They simply destroy all support - marriage, family, friends and colleagues - and then they destroy the persons ability to earn a living through constant harassment, terrorism and threats.  It helps if the person comes from a poor background as I did.  Several other countries with which I have conversed were impressed and somewhat surprised that the fascist state would go to all that expense and effort to make a person a political prisoner.  A minister summed it up best when he said,  "Your life must be hell. You are in a prison, but there are no bars".  Political prisoner amerikan style.

Remember, I only reached this stage only because I escaped(survived) death, imprisonment and exile which is the usual path for most political prisoners.  I'm just really lucky!!!!!

Well, this is enough for one blog and I haven't even started discussing pertinent issues which directly effect me.  And then there's the blog on the "War on Terrorism" which I have written, but I just haven't published.  That blog which was written before I read "Battlefield America" reflects the same sentiment expressed by author John Whitehead.  I just have to start publishing more to get everything covered.