Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Truth About My Situation as a Slave

My sworn statement started with Mr. Little making a summary statement about how this
meeting had come about and the conditions under which the statement was being given. The two major stipulations were that I would not violate any contractual agreements I had with Gamma Supplies and that the information would be held in confidence and would not be disclosed to anyone else, including Better Supplies personnel. Other than for confidentiality reasons, I really don't know why I agreed to the latter point. That was a HUGH mistake.

In addition to Mr. Little, his partner, Barry Champs, my attorney, Leonard G. Smart and a Notary Public was present. Because of my high state of anxiety, I rambled on for almost three hours. However, I did manage to make four major points. First, Gamma Supplies was being backed by someone in their legal battle with Better Supplies. Tenneland definitely had some interest. Second, my testimony had been programed through mind control (brainwashing) techniques and then I was driven from the company and threatened. Third, Darth Korey had definitely perjured himself during his deposition. And fourth, my deposition, as is, could not be used in a court of law because I had not signed it and I had not waived my right to sign it.

Cruz Little and his partner asked a few questions to keep me on track, but said little of any value to me. During my statement I constantly needed to drink water to sooth my sore throat. My nervousness and state of anxiety were readily apparent. I was surprised after the sworn statement at Cruz Little's apparent lack of interest in what I had told him. Instead he questioned me off the record on why I had not accepted the Tenneland job offer. His lack of concern about the substance of what I had said concerned me and I definitely did not get the feeling that he was going to be any help.

After I completed my deposition I continued to relate to Cruz Little and Barry Champs other incidences that had happened at Gamma Supplies. I related the early attempts to get me to commit sexual indescretions and pointed out that at the time I considered the possibility that such an act might be used for psychological blackmail latter down the road. It had just seemed to me from my initial read of Darth Korey that psychological blackmail would be just the type of thing he and his unidentified partners would do. To my surprise, Cruz Little's reaction was one of astonishment! His jaw just about dropped to the floor and he exclaimed, “YOU KNEW THAT?!”

His remark took me off guard and I responded, “Of course, it seemed obvious to me.” What I couldn't understand was his reaction to what I was telling him. It scared me. I should point out the several years latter, the movie The Firm(1993) the sex act pyschological blackmail was used by a criminal element against the victim(Tom Cruise).

After the sworn statement and talking with Cruz Little I felt relief and took the occasion to chat with my new lawyer, Leonard Smart.

I said, “Why do people do things like this? It is so senseless and costly.”

“Let me tell you something,” he replied. “ I have clients who take action against other people, and I advise them that it's not in their best interest. It is not good for their health, it is not good for their business, but they insist on going through with it. These people just aren't happy unless they are making someone else's life miserable.”

I knew what he was saying was true because my attorney in Wisconsin had told me
the same thing in different words.

“But what can I do? They will destroy me. They are creating a lie(mental illness) at my expense and they are going to live and die by that lie”.

“I don't know what to tell you”, Barry replied. “The best I can do is offer you a couple of my Valium.”

I thanked him but said “no."

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