Sunday, December 5, 2010


In late March, RAM sent me to the American Chemical Society meeting in Las Vegas. I had no idea why I was allowed to go this time other than the trip made the previous offers look legitimate for various trips which never occurred. I decided to go just to get away from everything for a while and try to enjoy some time alone. Since it was evident that my career as a chemist was over, I didn't attend a single technical presentation at the conference and I avoided talking to all colleagues and acquaintances that were there. Instead I spent the days getting much need rest and randomly walking through the casinos. I tried to keep my behavior patterns as random as possible so that "they" couldn't orchestrate any forms of harassment. There was a sense of FREEDOM that I so desired and needed. However, my own mental anguish and torment, as a result of years of abuse really prevented me from having any fun.

I was in a constant state of rage and I was experiencing physical pain from severe shooting flashes of sharp pain in my head. The shooting pains in my head, caused by extreme, excessive mental abuse had been with me for almost a year and the thought of having to endure another day with that pain caused me even more mental anguish. The week in Las Vegas did prove to me that now even without the external stimulus, I would have a long road to get back to a stable, sound condition. Destroy life throught mental torture and terrroism of innocent victims is a common practice by this sick Nazi government. In John Mark's book he relates a case were a military man was used for a Nazi experiment against his will and then he was threatened with "we will terrorize you to a permanent state of insanity" if the man considered telling anyone what had been done to him. Because this man was in the military at the time of his ordeal, there were records of what had been done to him and eventually someone took up his case and he was given compensation for the loss of some twenty plus years of his life where he "wandered about aimlessly". Just another defenseless Nazi victim brutally destroyed through mental torture and terrorism.

I retuned home after a week at the conference and resumed working on the separation agreement with Anita. The process was painful for both of us because neither one of us wanted the divorce. But we couldn't stay together and have the sick Nazis constantly using Anita to make my life hell. It was especially trying for Anita because I believe she always felt our marriage would survive. After all, she too naively believed all the Nazi lies I had been told.

It was late April when a truly surprising event occurred. Anita and I were driving along and were discussing some items in the separation agreement. I was talking as usual.

"It is really amazing that "they" are willing to inflict so much pain and suffering on so many people just to destroy my life. All they know how to do is destroy."

Anita started sobbing. Then she said the words I had wanted to hear from her for so many years. "How can I ever remarry? LOOK AT WHAT "THEY" MADE ME DO TO YOU."

Reread that last sentence. Anita was stating that the sick amerikan Nazi system destroys innocent human life by using marriage and family as a primary tool. Think about that the next time some conservative amerikan Nazi bastards starts shouting about "family values".

What I'm trying to point out and to get people to understand is that I am not a single isolated incident. Destroy human life for fun and profit is a standard amerikan Nazi value. Look at Iraq. How many lives were destroyed, how much pain and suffering was inflicted on innocent people just to destroy one man(Saddam Hussein)?

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