Monday, March 21, 2011

The Nazis finally force my resignation.

The divorce itself did not worry me. What was bothersome was that now documents were being created so that if I ever did lose control while being tortured and hurt someone, there would be evidence in place to show or tell the press or whoever else might be interested, that I had a history of violent actions. Any violence on my part would just be reported as another mentally ill person committing an act of violence. And the american sheepeople would fall in line and demand more oppression of anyone who acted "differently". And the ruling Nazis would sit around and laugh and the dumb f...... americans. That's the way in works in Naziland.

As I read the divorce papers, I just stood there thinking about the fantasy that was being described. Then I lost complete control. I walked down the halls just looking for someone at which to yell. I found a coworker in his office and I started telling him in an angry voice all that had happened to me. He sat there not knowing what to do. I continued to yell.

"Those sons-of-bitches tried to kill me, and now they are trying to find some way to lock me up, and why? Because I did a job for them, that's why: THE GREAT AMERICAN SYSTEM, do a great job and you'll be rewarded!"

Then without saying anymore, I stormed off into the laboratory. There were a couple of coworkers there and I started yelling some more. After a few minutes there, I headed straight to Stu's office. To my dismay, Stu was not there and in hindsight, "they" had probably planned it that way. I grabbed a piece of paper on his desk and wrote "I resign effective immediately." I went into the secretarial pool, made a couple of copies, and then went back and left the original on Stu's desk. I left my keys on my desk, put on my coat and ran out of the building.

The Nazis had succeeded in forcing me to resign! The only thing left now for them to destroy was my relationship with my family.

Whenever I relate what the sick bastards that run this country did to me, I can't help but say GOD DAMN AMERICA! This american system is so sick it has to be destroyed and it is a promise from God that he will destroy it. I just always wonder if I will live long enough to see it.

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