Monday, July 11, 2011

The war that will never end in my lifetime.

I never did learn and still don't know who the person or persons were that I "inflicted or attempted to inflict bodily harm." Of course reality has no place in fascist amerika(proof that amerika is fascist is coming soon). In this country, The Crazies just say and do whatever they want and that becomes the official "reality".
I went on to the second page of the complaint. This part was hand written and signed by William R. Theil. It read:
" I am employed by RAM in a site security manager. It was my duty to deliver a separation allowance check to Russell on 5/12. At that time I noticed he was very depressed, confused and apprehensive. I was informed by a family member that Russell was seen placing a gun in the trunk of his car on 5/9 and I should be cautious. This caused concern since Russell made threatening phone calls to RAM (his former employer) and made reference to a letter to the president, said he visions and saw RAMer's at the end of his rifle. I feel Russell should be examined as he may be a threat to others in his present mental state."

Interestingly, there was no copy of the letter, there was no colloborating signatures or statements and I may have been depressed. After all, I had been brutally tortured for over 6 years, my marriage had been destroyed and I had been driven out of RAM. What I don't understand is why RAM representatives weren't concerned about that when I was employed by them. I surely wasn't confused because I knew the scumbag's visit was not to just give me a check and I was apprehensive of the motive of someone from RAM's goon squad showing up at my parent's house. The real purpose obviously was to force me to get psychiatric treatment.

But what was most revealing was that my pathetic parents were helping the fascist filth lock me up. It is true that I did put a 22 calibre target rifle in my trunk. In fact I had purposely done that to see how closely The Crazies were monitoring my actions. I had gone to a local junk yard and did some target practice, nothing more. But it shows you how STUPID THE CRAZIES ARE. I was not about to kill anyone. I was much more of a threat to The Crazies being out and telling people the truth about Nazi America. If I killed someone, a couple of people would be dead and I would be eliminated. Nothing would have been accomplished. I wanted these God Damn Nazi bastards to pay every day I was alive by letting people know what sick scum runs this country. This blog is an example of my intent. The Crazies took all meaning from my life so fighting fascism became the purpose of my life. I still can't believe they as so stupid as not to understand that. The ruling fascist just don't care; that is why 9/11 happened. You have to make them care!

It was now obvious that the purpose of Mr. Theil's visit two day earlier had been planned to give him an excuse to file the complaint so I could be locked up(again) and be forced to receive "treatment". I knew the lies in the complaint were designed to infuriate me. Then I glanced at my parents. They were both sitting there fully dressed with blank stares on their pale faces. They had been in bed when I came home and hour earlier and now they were waiting for me when I came down the stairs. They knew the police were coming that night.

I could see the scenario The Crazies had planned. I am awakened in the middle of the night by the police; then I am handed a fallacious complaint in front of my parents who appeared to have been forewarned. In my highly emotional state I assume I was expected to fly into a fit of rage, yell and accuse my parents of betraying me. The whole thing would have further served to document my paranoia and "mental illness". Instead, I turned to the officers and said, "I'd like to call my attorney."

Later there is absolute proof that my parents knew the government was behind all of my problems. This whole above scenario is why I never wanted to head back to my parent's place. I knew The Crazies would destroy that relationship too as they had destroyed everything else in my life. Apparently The Crazy fascists only know how to destroy. Take a look at Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanastan, and Lybia. Destroy, destroy, destroy. Any old excuse will do.

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