Thursday, December 29, 2011


Most people are probably shocked when I say I am an enemy of this evil fascist state. The recent rash of stories in the news about child molesters is actually a good way to explain what I mean by that. The child molester is usually a powerful, respected community member with good job and status whom the child looks up to, respects and probably admires. The child molester uses this vast power advantage to take advantage of the child and thus rapes the child. In some cases, the child molester repeats the acts of violence against the child over a period of years. And what does the child do? Nothing! The child lives in fear of the vastly superior power of the molester and frequently the victim feels that he is to blame for what happened to him even though the victim has done nothing wrong.

In time the victim(s) learns to hate the molester and waits and hopes for the day when the truth can be told and the psychopathic child molester can be made to pay for his crimes against humanity. Of course even when the truth becomes known, the child molester has his supporters and many people refuse to believe that the man that they see as a pillar of virtue and integrity in the community could ever commit such atrocities. And the victims who are now adults have trouble convincing people that they are telling the truth and frequently are themselves attacked by the supporters of the child molester. In cases of accusations against Priests, a powerful institution, the Church, supports the child molester and tries to hide the truth from the general public. But to the victim, the child molester is his enemy and the victim seeks justice.

Now in my case, I was repeatedly mentally, psychologically and emotionally raped for years by people with vastly superior power. These psychopaths believed that by demonstrating their vast, ubiquitous power, they could terrorize me into silence just as the molested child remains silence out of fear. But in my case, I was an educated, intelligent adult who had a strong sense of integrity, values and morals. That is a big difference between the child victim of a molester and an adult victim of molesters. And I am sure this came as a great surprise to my molester given the general level of decadence of the amerikan people and given the contempt for working class people that my molesters have. Despite the vast power of the evil fascist state, I was determined to warn the people of the true nature of the ruling elite of this country. And of course, over time I came to hate what these people stand for and they became my enemy.

Given the conditioned, indoctrinated state of most amerikans, this is a shocking statement. And to some neo-Nazis, I am sure their reaction is outrage. But to the victims of the sick, psychopathic rapists, there is a rage, an anger, a frustration that drives victims to have the truth be known. The molesters on the other hand, continue to put on a suit, a name badge and go to work in a government or corporate office, where people treat them as respected members of the community. Most co-workers, family members and friends never know about the sick acts these psychopaths commit. But rest assured, out there somewhere are their victims, waiting for the opportunity to come forward and reveal the truth about these psychopaths and the institutions that support them. Just a the child victims have come forth some twenty, thirty of more years later.

The answer to the question at the top of the page is both 1)are extreme abusers of power, 2)are psychopaths, 3)destroy human life or the quality of life 4)are the personification of evil.

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