Monday, May 6, 2013

"If they persecuted Me they will persecute you"

From a secular perspective, it is easy to see what drives The Crazies.  Just recently in the news, it was reported that the CIA gave ten million dollars a month to Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan to buy political support in that country.  That should raise a multitude of questions: a) where does the money come from (drug and gun running?) b) who authorized the payments c) is this official US policy or d) is this an "Invisible Government" policy, and so on - but the media ignores the obvious.  The point is that if people can do this to countries, imagine what they do to individuals.

Also in the news was an article that William Koch, one of the infamous and extremely wealthy Koch brothers, paid over thirteen thousand dollars for a bottle of wine.  And he just didn't buy one bottle at that price, but rather he bought 24 bottles of the wine.  Now he can waste his money however he likes, but do you think a man like that would tolerate anyone who didn't do exactly as he wanted.  I'm sure he would crush any poor person who interfered with his power trips.  Hence just from these two news stories, you can see that if you are unfortunate enough to run into some nefarious scheme by people like the above and you have any moral convictions, you can kiss your life good-bye.

It also amazed me how little The Crazies cared about a force opposing them, but if you turn to the Bible, it was the powerbrokers of Christ's day(The Roman Empire) that killed Christ and He said “If they persecute me, they will persecute you.”  It is also written in the Bible that when God reveals himself, the powerbrokers and worshipers of the state will curse and blasphemy God because they don’t want to hear the truth.  So why should I be surprised at the actions of The Crazies who follow a dark force.
I haven’t talked much about religion in my experiences and I don’t intend to.  I believe religion and politics should be separate since they are of two different worlds.  Christ said my world is not of this world.  But I have reached a few conclusions that are based on my experiences.

My experiences are much like those in the movie Star Wars.  The is a "force" which continually aided me and prevented The Crazies from having success.  At the same their is also a very "dark force"  which serves the interest of the empire or state just as it did in Star Wars.  Christianity labels it these forces God and Satan.   I could give pretty conclusive proof of this dark force and as Darth Vader constantly warned Luke Skywalker, "don't underestimate the power of the dark side."  There is no doubt in my mind that The Crazies serve the interest of the dark side. 

What The Crazies really wanted was to force me to bow down and worship them and their fascist state.  And in the Bible, what did Satan want?  He wanted Christ to bow down and worship him.  Although most people are never put in a position as I was put in where the choice becomes so clear, life is a battle between good and evil and you need to learn how to tell the difference - and that is not always easy. 

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