For any of you who were surprised to learn that US gestapo agencies are spying on citizens, I have this advice. Get counselling! You are delusional and not in touch with reality. The Crazies have been spying on citizens since the creation of the Nazi state in 1948 - it is called the National Security Act. The FBI which already existed before the NSA, had fifteen hundred pages of documents on Albert Einstein when he died in 1955. Now Einstein was well known and important, but with the advent of modern technology, spying on anyone and everyone has become commonplace. The Crazies whose numbers have exploded in the last decade need victims. And those who become victims are frequently people who just got trapped in The Crazies insanity; just like Hitler's victims who had done no wrong. It is power gone wild.
Note: It was Einstein who wisely said in his later years that he feared amerika was rapidly becoming the state that he had fled (Nazi Germany).
And now you can see why The Crazies like to create victims. When they create victims as they did with me, they have the victim trapped and they can discredit them and prevent the media from telling the truth. Now with Edward Snowden, they are dealing with a credible witness and The Crazies actually are going to have to do intelligence work to find him. And The Crazies get paid the same for torturing someone they created as they do for torturing someone they have to find. It makes no difference to them. Is amerika great or what?
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson. Which do you support - tyranny or liberty?!
So you "think" there is no mind control. When was the last time you thought about or heard anything about the federal deficit?! It has probably been at least three months. And six months to a year ago, the federal deficit was the most important issue in the world. And after hearing about it every day for months, it has disappeared; poof it is gone like magic. Of course, the problem is still there and just as important, but you are not told to think or care about it by the media. Thus in your mind, it is not there. That is the power of mind control!!!
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