In the News: A female CEO has claimed immunity from her male employee's lawsuit because "white males are not a protected class". It's open hunting season on white males! Remember what I said the ACLU told me? They said they couldn't help me because I was a "white male". I was not a member of a protected class. This is a fascist state that has created laws, made judicial rulings and created propaganda to create an atmosphere where white male and males in general have no protection - unless you have money! Money is always a trump card for any situation. I don't make these things up about the fascist state - they happened to me and they are very real. That female CEO didn't come to her conclusions about white males out of thin error.
Back to my story: I had read about the death of Macho Man in the summer and didn't go back to the track until it opened for live racing in December. Once there, I ran into a person I had known for years. I said hi to him and then said, "I saw where Macho Man died this summer."
My acquaintance replied, "Yeah and Lawyer Barry died too a couple of months ago."
"Really" I blurted. I was beginning to see a pattern here. Three major antagonists - three dead men. I then asked with great anticipation, "What about BS Phil?!"
"As far as I know he is OK," came the reply.
"Oh:, I said disappointedly.
The way to appreciated BS Phil was that he was a "self-made man who worshiped his maker". If you truly understand that sentence, you understand BS Phil. He was loud, obnoxious, and knew everything and if you tried to point out that he didn't know everything, he would shout you down. And of course he was a staunch defender of the fascist state and felt it was his duty to let me know what an inferior being I was for being just being alive. That was BS Phil.
After that weekend, I didn't go back to the track for a couple of weeks. That particular day at the track, I was walking through a walkway when I saw BS Phil coming towards me. The first thing I noticed was his appearance. He was unshaven, unkempt and very haggard looking. He saw me, but when he walked by me, he kept his head down and looked away from me just like Snowbird had done the last time I saw him. He did not make any snide remarks or put-downs like he usually would do. He was silent.
As I went back to my seat, I passed an old friend. After exchanging greetings, I said "I just saw BS Phil and he looked like he had been on a week long drinking binge."
"Maybe he had been", my friend replied.
I never knew BS Phil to be a drinker and no one ever said anything to me that would have caused me to believe that he had a drinking problem. Regardless of his situation, just the fact that he was still at the track put a damper on my day.
I didn't go back to Tampa Bay Downs for about three weeks. Finally I decided to go back for a Saturday racing card. I picked up a program at the entrance and then headed for a seat. I sat there leafing through the program when I saw something that just made me stop cold. Horse races at a track are frequently sponsored or dedicated to an organization like the Holiday Inn, or some local group like the "Red Hats". What stopped me cold was I turned to the 5th race and there was a dedication from the surviving members of the BS Phil family. They had dedicated the race to his memory! Apparently BS Phil had died.
I hurried off to find my friend. "BS Phil died?" I asked as I approached him.
"Yeah, he died about two weeks ago" was all my friend said.
Four major antagonists and four dead fascist state worshipers. I'll explain to you in the next post why it seems a lot more to me than just a coincidence. Just for starters, all four men were economically well off and all four were well below the age of the average life expectancy for an amerikan male. I mention that they were well off because they should have had the best medical care that money can buy.
And I never wished ill of any of them. And I never asked for harm to come to any of them. Macho Man would really tick me off at times, but in general I just tried to avoid my enemies and make the best of the situation. But now I can go to the track without being harassed and you cannot begin imagine what that feels like to me. And I don't kid myself, I know there will be other fascist state worshipers and terrorists.
Now I know I could drop over dead tomorrow. Because of the extreme abuse I have endured for so many years, I never even expected to live this long. But I'm still here annoying The Crazies! I figure that is the least I can do. I always remember the line from the Blues Brothers, "We're on a mission from God". Half joking, but sometimes it seems that way. I'll tell you more in the next post.
Friday, December 6, 2013
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