Monday, November 23, 2015


When the wackos set out with their plan, it was simple; get my testimony and signature on documents and then eliminate me.  Sounds easy for people with unlimited power.  Beat me into silence through harassment, terrorism and mental torture.  At the time the internet, social media and even personal computers did not exist so the only concern was to stop me from speaking about my own life.  Now, the fascist state is concerned with written words from me.

I find their concern strange because at least 90% of what I write and post, is information that has already been published somewhere else.  I find information in books, magazines, newspapers, internet, movies, and TV newscasts and documentaries.  The two prior posts were from books and the internet.  I didn't dream the thoughts and data up.  For example, a former President claims that the US is a fascist state - something I have claimed for some time, but I didn't make it up.  Since what I post is already public information, it must be the fascist state must have some sort of demonic obsession with me personally. 

The only thing I can figure out is that my powerful enemies feel outraged that they can't stop one person from having and expressing non-Nazi thoughts.  About 30 years ago when God was showing the nature of the people who do these insane things,  I had a vision:  I saw a man in a suit in a room, leaning over a desk, pounding is fist on the desk, and with a red face shouting "HE WILL NOT SAY THOSE THINGS!"   If that person was bonkers back then, he must be totally insane if is still alive today.  In other words, can these powerful people beat one insignificant person into total submission and crush the life out of that person.

War on Terrorism:  Do I believe that in my lifetime that ISIS will directly effect me, terrorize me or kill me.  Absolutely NO.  But I cannot say the same thing about the fascist state.  I should note, that I don't have all that much time left in my existence - that's relative to say a teenager.

In my next post I will address the war on terrorism.

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