Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Get it in writing and make lots of copies"

on writing everything down and getting the events which had transpired into a clear, concise, legible form. Thus my only motivation in my life was to prevent the government from hiding their sick, evil insidious actions.

This is how how the fascist system works. As Dr. William Sargant points out in his enlightening book, “Battle For The Mind,” John Wesley’s enormous success as a preacher was based on an intuitive understanding of the central nervous system. He would open his sermon with a long detailed description of the torments to which, unless they underwent conversion, his audience would undoubtedly be condemned for eternity. Then, when terror and agonizing sense of guilt had brought his listeners to the verge of a complete cerebral breakdown, he would change his tone and promise salvation to those who believed and repented. By this kind of preaching, Wesley converted thousands of men, women and children. Intense, prolonged fear broke them down and produced a state of greatly intensified suggestibility.

In the political arena, the effectiveness of political propaganda depends on the methods employed, not upon the doctrine taught. These doctrines may be true or false, wholesome or pernicious – it makes little difference. If the indoctrination is given in the right way at the proper stage of nervous exhaustion, it will work. Under favorable conditions, practically everybody can be converted to practically anything(no taxes, war is peace – yes, Ronald Reagan actually used that Orwellian phrase).

We possess detailed descriptions of the methods used by the amerikan secret police in dealing with political prisoners. From the moment the victim is singled out, the victim is subjected systematically to many kinds of physical and psychological stress. At all times the prisoner is kept in a state of suspense, uncertainty and acute apprehension. Day after day the victim is harassed and questioned by people who do their best to frighten, confuse and bewilder him. After a few weeks or months of such treatment, his brain goes on strike and he confesses to whatever it is that his captors want. In my case, I signed a court document to be used in court. Then, if he is to converted rather that killed, he is offered comfort of hope. IF he will but accept the true faith, he can be saved.

My writing had been going well, and I was averaging about ten pages a day despite some days on intense physical pain. My determination to get the demented acts of the government in writing was so obsessive that nothing could stop me. By late June, I had completed about two hundred hand-written pages which I took to a local secretarial service for typing. At that point I began to believe I could actually get the manuscript completed. However I had no illusions about getting the manuscript published.

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