The fact that Stanley's unreasonable demands was probably part of the government's unrelenting campaign to keep me highly stressed was accented during one of Stanley's visits to the plant site during the second week of April. The first thing Stanley did was take me into his office and promptly tell me he was cutting my salary by 20% or six thousand dollars a year! He knew I couldn't resign and that I had no way to refute his claim that "he couldn't afford to pay my salary."
Shortly after that, I began to wonder if Stanley and his SBS company wasn't some sort of front company. Stanley was an immigrant from communist Poland and he seemed to have a lot of connections. The fact that the government through SS was subsidizing his hiring me, made me wonder who was sponsoring him.
In the many years since I worked for Estron, I have run into or read about numerous immigrants from communist countries that seem to get preferential treatment and mysterious economic support. I don't know if these people worked for the CIA before coming to this country, but they all seem to have unusual connections and support for
someone who has not been in this country very long. All I know is that if industry and government did the same for it's own citizens, amerikans would be a lot better off. Remember Buzhoha from Iran at Gamma Supplies, Osama Ikill from the Middle East at RAM, and now Stanley at Estron. And of course all of these people hate the country from which they came. And a major characteristic of The Crazies is their unbridled hatred.
Regardless of what was behind Stanley's action, he was really shafting me. I was working better that 60 hours a week under abominable conditions and he was cutting my salary by 20%.
Of course, I still had to deal with constant forms of harassment similar to that I had experienced at RAM and Gamma Supplies. One scenario involved the missing items game which many mentally ill people report and which also was occurring in my apartment. Some incidences were blatantly obvious examples of deliberate harassment. I kept an abundant supply of pens in my desk drawer, and little by little they would just disappear. At first a few missing pens did not bother me, but eventually it reached a point where I was completely out of pens and I would have to borrow a pen when I wanted to write something down. Confirmation that the missing pens was a deliberated attempt to play with my mind occurred one morning when I came into work, opened my desk and found most or all of my missing pens in plain view. Now one claimed to have any knowledge of how the pens got there.
This simple form of harassment is based on well known psychological experiments which have been shown to cause nervous breakdowns in subject animals. The subject animal (I was nothing more than an animal to the sick scumbags) is conditioned to respond to an obvious stimuli(miss pens), and then the subject animal is subjected to less obvious stimuli(a missing item here and there). The net result is the subject animal becomes confused and neurotic. This was the aim of my tormentor, The Crazies. Confused thinking is a primary characteristic of schizophrenic behavior.
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