One of the offers to publish was from a reputable pay-for-publish book company. In other words, they will publish your book if you pay them. Then it is up to you to distribute and sell the book. The cost was ten thousand dollars for one thousand copies. The company offered to do the editing and professional hard cover binding. Actually the offer wasn’t that bad, but 1) I didn’t have the necessary money (remember, I was chosen as a victim because I came from a poor background and had spent 1.5 of the last six years unemployed) and 2) I had no way to distribute and sell the book. And this was before the age of the internet.
The second offer was from a legitimate publishing company in Canada. I’m sure the Canadians would have been a good audience for a book about the fascist state's use of mental torture/terrorism since some Canadians had successfully sued the CIA (Cowardly Idiots Association) for mental torture experiments carried out on Canadians. Even back in the 60’s and 70’s the CIA exported torture to foreign countries. And I’ll bet you that you thought they only did that after 9/11!!! So the Canadian publishing company had some potential.
There were a couple of major problems with the Canadian offer. First, the company indicated it would take about two years for the book to actually be in print because they had a backlog of manuscripts. I didn’t think The Crazies would be willing to wait around for two years while I published a book about how sick they are. I knew I couldn’t survive that long under my current conditions.
Second, The Crazies would not allow the truth to be published even by a Canadian company. As I had pointed out on several occasions, other fascist victims that did publish books claimed that the CIA had either ghost written the book or had significantly edited the final version to present a favorable impression of the fascist state. A standard publishing contract gives the publishing company final and total editorial control. By the time The Crazies would get done editing my book, I would look like a crazy person who fantasized the whole thing.
Let me give you an example. I met a former Intelligence Officer in one of the military branches who was sitting at a table in a mall selling his book. He had gotten in a dispute with the government over his leaving the military and collecting his pension. He ended up having the same type of problems I was having and eventually he began drinking heavily. In order to survive he ended up writing a book about alcoholism and how it had destroyed his career. And once he acknowledged that his problems were a result of alcoholism and not the fascist state, he was allowed to publish his book and tell the world about the evil of alcoholism. However, once he knew I was a political prisoner, he took me aside and told me all about the horrors of fighting the fascist state and all the problems he had with them. And he was very bitter about it. The result was that the fascist scumbags had beaten him until, in order to survive, he decided he would tell the lie the fascist state wanted him to present: a person whose problems were all created by his excessive drinking. It is exactly how they had beaten me in order to get me to tell the world how crazy I was, if I managed to survive the beatings and still be alive and had not been driven insane. ("We will terrorize you to a permanent state of insanity").
It is important to understand that this man was driven to drink and had become an alcoholic just as I and any torture victim has periods where they lose their mind. But the underlying problem was fascist state torture and terrorism which eventually causes any victim to submit to some weakness.
You meet a lot of interesting people when people know you are a torture victim. Keep reading because there’s a lot more to come.
Friday, March 30, 2012
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