Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it - A basic Nazi Tenet.

That Wednesday I went to see Dr. Iron with Anita. I was still very anxious and knew what Dr. Iron was going to tell me. Still, I had to do something to relieve all of the stress that I was experienceing. Dr. Iron was very predictable and he spent a half an hour tell me how sick I was. More importantly, he spent the entire hour trying to convince me that I should believe I was sick. At one point I brought up an incident which had occurred and had no rational explanation. I was not going to buy the argument that my problems were internal.

"Boy you are stubborn!" Dr. Iron declared. Then he turned to Anita and said, "he is schizophrenic and paranoid and has a split personality."

Two things ran through my mind. First, I really wondered if Dr. Iron truly believed what he was saying and second, I thought about how much my condition had deteriorated since I had been in the hospital - you remember the confinement where I was heavily sedated and then told to sign my sworn testamony. When I was in the hospital, Dr. Bardopolous had refused to say I was schizophrenic. But, I had suffered another ten months of abuse and torture since then. Dr. Iron spent the rest of the session talking to Anita and continually asked her how she was holding up. I left the session with the same impasse I had always been confronted with. I was suppose to be mentally ill, and no one was going to support any other position regardless of how much evidence I had that I was being persecuted. Logic and rational had no place in my world.

It is important to note that in general, mind control and indoctrination relies almost completely on the victim(s) only hearing on constant theme. In my case, the only statements I could hear was that I was mentally ill - no one could say anything different if I was to believe it. I can tell you that years later when the Nazi government gave up on trying to convince me that I was mentally ill, psychiatrists in both this country and in other countries agreed that I had been brutally mentally tortured in order to drive me insane and to convince me that I was insane. That is why I believe people like Dr. Iron should be publically executed for crimes against humainty just like the original Nazis were executed. I have no compassion for people like him. He is an abomination to the human race and is no better than the psychopaths who were torturing me.

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