Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Politically incorrect way to look at things.

A republican senator correctly stated that the median family income(still primarily a man and a woman) has declined by about 8% in the last five years.  The senator could have picked just about any time period in the last thirty years, but he decided on the last 5 years for political expediency. 

Actually the upward redistribution of income really started in the early 80's and has been increasing at an accelerated rate in the past decade with the exception of the year 2007.  The year 2007 is an anomaly because of the collapse of the financial markets and the beginning of the great recession.  There has been and is a huge transfer of wealth to people who own capital and are able to invest in new technologies and a huge loss from the labor force - the working class.  Corporate profits have soared, especially since 2007 while compensation for labor has decreased.  This has resulted in a have and have-not society.

While news reports always concentrate on the top 1-2% of income, they fail to recognize that the top 10% in income represent over 75% of the wealth in this country.  Now maybe it is just me, but if all the income and wealth have been just flowing into the hands of the already wealthy, shouldn't the economy be booming if you believe that cutting taxes of the wealthy is the way to economic recovery and prosperity?  How much of the wealth does the top 1% or even the top 10% need in order to decide to create jobs and get the economic recovery ball rolling???  If you believe that the US economy is consumer spending based, wouldn't tax cuts for the middle and lower classes do more to stimulate the economy?  Those social class actually spend their income and consume goods and product.

Corporate profits have skyrocketed in recent years and yet there is little expansion in the economy.  Corporate profits when they are spent, usually go to create new manufacturing sites in India, China or Mexico.  That is not any help to the amerikan worker.  And when corporations use their buckets of cash to buy another billion dollar corporation, there is usually consolidation and downsizing of the workforce.  The way I look at things, it is easy to see why The Crazies think I am stupid.  I'll bet The Crazies could explain it to me in terms of world conquest and slavery.

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