Sunday, October 5, 2014


America vs the Bible:  These are the things you are to do: Speak the TRUTH TO ONE ANOTHER, and render true and sound judgment in your courts;  That is the Biblical admonition; now compare that to what is done in amerika.

Gandhi stated that the powerful and the elite are "drunk on the red wine of power".   Everyone knows that some people who are drunk on alcohol do stupid things.  When they do these stupid things, they usually end up injuring and/or destroying themselves and on occasions they destroy the lives of innocent victims with their stupidity.  For example, when a drunk drives on the wrong side of a freeway and crashes, he or she frequently destroy the lives of innocent victims they hit or run off the road.

In contrast, when the powerful and elite do something stupid while drunk on the red wine of power, frequently the lives of thousands even millions of people are destroyed.  However, unlike the alcohol drunk(s) that did a stupid action, the power drunks are immune from any consequences of their actions and they go on their merry way to commit more stupid acts.  You see this sequence of actions almost every day in the news.
Both alcoholic drunks and power drunks have poor judgment, lack rational thought, believe they are indestructible and do stupid things.  The difference is that alcoholic drunks usually pay for their acts while power dunks are immune from the consequences of their stupid acts.

Back to social engineering:
Did you know that with elderly couples, women are the abusers and committers of domestic violence against men.  It seems that many men become disabled or incapacitated from years of hard labor or years of working in toxic, poisonous environments.  The allows the woman in the relationship to become physically dominant and they use this advantage to commit domestic violence, but it is almost never reported by the media.  It is all about power.

So why not start a campaign against all forms of violence and abuse in amerika.  There is violence in the workplace, in nursing homes, in marriages, in relationships, and in the streets.   Why single out violence just against women?

Of course, there is sexual violence in the military.   And everyone wants to protect the countries' fighting women.  However, did you know, according to statistics I saw last week, most attacks in the military involve men against men.  It is only shocking to you because the media would never report those attacks and any male victim knows that the system would not offer him any support or sympathy.  I know it was only a movie, but you know what happened to a soldier in "A Few Good Men" when a "Code Red" was issued.

Of course a male assaulting a male in the military would imply homosexual activity and that definitely is a forbidden subject.  And that brings me to the initial topic of this post(stupidity).  What brilliant minds decided that they should introduce females into an environment where you have virile, young men about 16-20 years old, who are taught that violence and killing is the way to get what you want?  The old adage "to the victors go the spoils" is fundamental to the military.  These are young male minds  whose brains are still developing.  Do you think that shouting "KILL" over three thousand times during marine basic training has an effect on those young men's neural pathways?  So who thought throwing a few young attractive women into pot was a great idea and there would be no consequences???

And if you think male on male assault is unexpected, let's look at another situation where you have a large, younger all-male population in close quarters.  Prisons!  They are notorious for male on male assaults - and the external controls over the male prison population is probably greater than it is in the military.   Can you imagine what would happen if you mixed in female prisoners - oops, I better not give those ruling elite any ideas.  I'm sure somebody will think that is a good way to save(make) money!

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