Thursday, July 21, 2011

How fascists deal with reality and justice.

I knew my fate had already been determined, but the whole affair was so ludicrous I decided I was going to fight. Since I had been informed that my “trial” would be on the fifth day of my confinement, I had plenty of time to prepare for the kangaroo court I was to face.

By constantly badgering the hospital staff and calling my attorney, I learned that nothing that had transpired more than 30 days prior to the complaint could be used against me. I quickly summoned my personal papers from my parent’s house and gleefully found that my last phone conversation with anyone at RAM had been over thirty days prior to the complaint. So even if I had said something that someone interpreted as threatening towards RAM, which I hadn’t, it could not be legally used to keep me confined. With that knowledge I decided I would quietly go along with the game and wait for my hearing.

In the interim, I had daily meetings with hospital psychologists and psychiatrists. On the third day, I met with my old nemesis, and chief administrator of the mental health ward, Dr. Mengele. This is the psychiatrist whose colleagues stated that Dr. Mengele was on the wrong side of the desk! He asked me if I knew why I was being confined and then went into a speech about how I was paranoid. I sat there quietly listening to his bullshit for as long as I could and when he finally finished his little rehearsed tirade I said point blank “The Russians don’t think I’m paranoid.”
Dr. Mengele sat there stunned and didn’t move a muscle for about thirty seconds. Then in a tone of amazement he asked, “You have spoken with the Russians?!”
“Yes, and they didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with me. In fact, they were very helpful.” I calmly replied.

The usually loquacious Dr. Mengele was at a complete loss for words. He merely motioned for me to leave his office. I got up and exited while Dr. Mengele sat there with a blank look on his face.

The Crazies whole plan relied on my hearing only one thing; I was mentally ill. No contrary view was allowed and to have a third party refute their mantra was a devastating blow to their charade. And it made scumbags like Dr. Mengele look exactly like the base psychopath he is. But it really made him look bad to know I had some sort of proof that he was a lying Nazi scumbag.

I decided to use a Public Defender at my hearing and I knew what the outcome was going to be no matter what anyone said. The day of my hearing, the Public Defender showed up at the Mental Health Ward about 15 minutes before the scheduled hearing. After listening to my proposed defense, he said he would let me speak for myself. With that brief conversation, we headed into the hearing room.

When I entered the hearing room I was surprised to see in addition to the Review Officer, Dr. Mengele, Mr. Theil were two men dressed in the traditional RAM grey pin-stripped suits and my mother and sister. Since I purposely had not told my mother or sister when my hearing was scheduled, I was annoyed by their presence. The conservatively dressed men turned out to be an in house lawyer and an external council for RAM. They were dismissed from the hearing because OFFICIALLY RAM had no stake in the hearing. The it is a minor legal point, the complaint had been signed by Mr. Theil who was acting on his own behalf and not as a representative of RAM. Apparently the ruling powers at RAM had overlooked that fact or they just wanted their interest in my fate to be known.

The hearing started with Mr. Theil presenting what he had stated on his written complaint. His charges were quickly dismissed because the alleged threats had allegedly taken place during a phone conversation with an unidentified third party and the supposed conversation had transpired more than thirty day prior to his filing the complaint. His evaluation of my mental state was negated by his own admission that he was not qualified to make such a judgement.

Next, Dr. Mengele presented his findings. He stated I was paranoid and in need of treatment, but he not conclude that I had made any threats to anyone or that I was a threat to myself. He forgot to include that he was a lying piece of Nazi crap(see the movie "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest" to see a reenactment of Dr. Mengele. At that point it became my turn to speak. As I started to speak, the Public Defender interjected and requested an opportunity to speak to me outside of the hearing room. His request was granted.

We went into the hallway and the Public Defender grabbed me by my arm, turned me toward him and exclaimed "Don't say anything. We won!"

I looked at him in disbelief because I knew I would not be released no matter what the legal arguments were. I was a political prisoner - a threat to the lies of fascist state. I HAD NO RIGHTS! So I calmly said, "What do you mean?"

"They didn't prove anything. There is no evidence that you are violent or a threat to anyone so they can't keep you." Dr. Mengele even testified that he didn't consider you dangerous," he excitedly exclaimed.

I knew what he said was true, but I also knew I was confined because I was a political prisoner. However, I agreed with my attorney to say nothing. As we headed back into the hearing room I was thinking "boy is he(the Public Defender)in for a surprise. He doesn't know what amerika is all about."

Once back inside the hearing room the Public Defender told the Review Officer that I had decided not to testify. With that statement the Review Officer said, "It is the finding of this hearing that Russell is a threat to himself and others and he should be confined for treatment for ten additional days."

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