Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No taxes increases???????????????

Just a quick note. Noticed that the Greedy Obnoxious People (GOP) want to raise taxes on the middle working class. What happened to their pledge of no taxe increases? I guess that only applies to the ruling fascist elite.

Saw a good suggestion the other day. Apparently the income of the elite 1% is on the average, 36 times the median income of the other 99%(a historical high). The suggestion was to tie any future tax breaks to be designed to keep that ratio at 36 to 1 or less. In other words, the elite can make all the money they want as long as the income of the peons is raised to keep the ratio at 36 to 1. In other words make sure that any increase to the already wealthy does indeed "trickle down". Or a rising tide raises ALL ships. Ingeneous idea.

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