Wednesday, August 1, 2012

That weekend I drove back to Paducah, KY and spent the weekend there. I didn't find any relief there and Ireturned to Rolla on Sunday fatigued and dreading going back to work the next day;

The next day at work the terrorism continued.  Each isolated incidence at work might seem insignificant, but when viewed collectively the result was a well orchestrated conspiracy designed to create mental confusion and failure on my part.  The net result was tremendous mental stress which could then be called schizophrenia and of course any reference to a conspiracy could be called paranoia. John Marks pointed out in his book, "The CIA and Mind Control" stated the following:  "while I was doing research for this book, many people approached me claiming to be the victim of CIA plots.  Although I listend carefully to all and realized that some might be authentic victims, I had no way of distinguishing between someone acting strangely and someone made to act strangely.  Perhaps the most insidious aspect of this technique is that anyone blaming his aberrant behavior on drugs or on the CIA gets labeled a hopless paranoid and his case is thrown into the crank file.  There is no better cover than operating on the edge of madness."  I was being made to act strangely and whoever was behind my torture was operating over the edge of madness.

A typical event at work would involve giving me conflicting directions or answers from the same or different persons at different times.  In one instance I was trying to make a small scale batch of a standard company product. I was told there was no standard written procedure(absurd) and a plant technician gave me a vague process to follow.  The chemical reaction failed when the omission of one of the chemicals was omitted.  That cost me a full days work.

The next day I repeated the reaction and this time Melvina,  a laboratory technician gave me conflicting directions about how to add the ingredients.  Since I was repeatedly told there were no written instructions, the conflicting direction were completely verbal which meant there was no proof to support my version of events.  The whole process was to make this small company appear incompetent like Gamma Supplies had been presented to me when I was initially set up.   The whole scenario infuriated me which was a desired emotional state that my tormentors wanted to create.  And there was nothing I could do about it; like most people, I had to work to survive.

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