Tuesday, April 23, 2013


While I was in Daytona Beach, I decided to take a course in Law at the local Community College.  Every time I went somewhere that was crowded, there were Neo-Nazis who would kick me in ankles and lower legs, or they would bump hard into me and then disappear into the crowd.  If I did know who did the assault, I couldn't do anything because if an altercation broke out, The Crazies would have the police bring all sorts of charges against me which would confirm their fantasy that I was a violent person.  In fact this insanity on their part to try to paint me as a violent person led to some very interesting happenings.

The first thing the instructor, who was an attorney and a former prosecuting attorney for the state, asked at the beginning of the first class was "Who believes that in the amerikan system of law, you are innocent until proven guilty?"  Every hand in the room went up except mine.  "Well, you are wrong!" He responded.  "If you are arrested, you are guilty and you have to prove your innocence. And Grand Juries are nothing but a rubber stamp for the prosecuting attorneys."  I sat there kind of surprised that anyone in the system would state that truth which is the direct opposite of the mantra that all amerikans are indoctrinated with.  But when forced to face reality, most amerikans can recognize the truth.

The part of the course that I was interested in was the categories of assault and battery.  According to the law, battery is any unwarranted touching of one person by another.  That meant that those Neo-Nazis that were kicking and bumping me were committing battery.  They were breaking the law.  Not that it matters in this fascist state when you are the victim, but the fascist state does like to maintain the appearance that there is law and order in their kingdom.

This knowledge of the law did allow me to spread the word that I would consider bringing battery charges against the fascist lovers if the kicking and bumping didn't stop.  Now I did have friends who knew I was the victim at the hands of  some very sick people, and those friends tried to help when and if they could.  The group from Tennesse that I met at the Castaways was an example.  Whatever the reason, shortly after I made it known that the physical assaults amounted to criminal activity, the kicking and bumping ceased.

In the next blog, I'll describe two assault incidences that demonstrates how some force greater that man was protecting from the sick plans of The Crazies.  Of course any interference in The Crazies plans to get rid of me only infuriates them more because it deflates their delusion that they are god.  Reality always causes great consternation for The Crazies when it clashes with their delusions.

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