Friday, May 20, 2011

Running out of Cash - Nazi State control thru poverty.

My financial condition remained very bleak despite my small incom from my teaching job. My savings was depleted and I was living on cash advances I took on my two Master Cards. I found it interesting that I could make the monthly installment payment by getting another cash advance. By doing this I was able to pay my rent, make my car payment and have enough money to take Donna out for dinner a couple of evenings during the week. However, I was aware that the situation counld not go on forever and soon I would reach the credit limit on my charge cards. I knew that eventually I would have to return to my parents place. I truly dreaded that situation, but I did not have any viable alternative.

By the end of January, 1983 I had run out of money and both of my charge cards were charged to their limit. I no longer had any source of money. I decided it would be best to just pack up my car with my books and clothing and leave the rest of my possessions behind. After packing my car, I found I still had enoung room to pack the TV and stereo. I mention this because later the stereo will be key in proving how complete The Crazies kept track of me and everything I did. All of my remaining possessions I left in the condo except for a few special items that I gave to Donna. I did not tell anyone expect where I was going so that my creditors could not find me for awhile. I had told the department head at Broward Community College that I had to leave for personal reasons, and then told him to mail my next pay check to my condominium. Thus I left Florida heavily in debt, and only Donna and the CIA/FBI knew where I was headed.

ps - God Damn amerika. Only innocent torture victims can truly appreciate the meaning of that.

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