Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Amerikan People

Did you know that congress is appropriately named? Congress is the definition of a group of BABOONS! Look it up in your dictionary.

Read today that the group of baboons passed funding for the terrorist(oops), I mean intelligence agencies. Of course the billions being spent is kept secrect because it would aid the enemy if the amount were divulged. It is interesting that the group of baboons and the intelligent agencies consider the american people the enemy. I do know that I have always been amazed at the millions of dollars the fascist state spent to destroy my life. It cost a lot of money to pay terrorist agents to follow a person around and monitor everything the victim does.

Along the same lines, it was recently announced that the War Department(until 1947), now the department of defense, is the largest single employer in the US. Combine those dollars spent along with the above unknown dollars spent on "intelligence" and maybe you can begin to see why the US has a budget deficit. Remember, the US spends more on the military than all of the rest of the WORLD combined. But none of this is ever mentioned in the effort to trim the budget.

One of the biggest problems the US faces is how to keep its expanding effort on world conquest and subjugation funded while it faces a shrinking, collapsing economy. The answer is of course, screw the working middle and lower class people. Squeeze more and more out of them while the troops go marching on.

My biggest disappointment throughout this ordeal has been in the people of this country. Although US denizens are thoroughly indoctrinated with the words freedom, justice and democracy, amerikans seem to have no true belief or understanding of those terms. Their actions reflect a people who are enslaved to the pursuit of worldly goods and personal possessions rather than a people who support and believe in some worthy ideals. This total lack of commitment to any higher moral purpose is truly discouraging in the light of problems facing humanity today. It is almost as if they think that by ignoring the problems, they will go away and not interfer with their obsession of collecting goods. This attitude seems at best callous and at the worst, extremely dangerous and near sighted. I actually know people who state, “I feel sorry for my kids, but I should make it before it all goes to hell!”,

I find it ironic that the amerikan people only perceive threats to their freedom as being external. The threat use to be communism, but has become “terrorists (a universal term applicable to anyone), liberals and anyone or any country that will not bow down and worship the fascist ways. Amerikans fail to realize that with the oligarchical corporate system, the average person has little or no freedom and that government works hand and hand with corporate owners and rulers to ensure that the fascist state marches on at the expense of the working people. What happened to me is a classic example of what results when government and business form a cabal to conspire against the interests of the average amerikan worker. Still, the average amerikan clings to some sort of pathetic hope that the tyrants who create their plight will suddenly turn benevolent. This ability to deny reality in order to endure I find interesting and disturbing. It is a real life practice of what George Orwell termed “double think”.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I was still trying to find some way to generate an income so that I could regain my life that the ruling fascists had taken from me. I continued to take classes at the local university in order to get certified to teach at the high school level. The problem was that I was running out of money. My SS disability of about $625 per month didn't go very far in covering my expenses of tuition, books and general living expenses. I also faced the situation of having to wait until the following fall in order to take the student teaching course which was required before I could get a paying teaching job.

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