Monday, January 9, 2012

Crime and psychopathic behavior does pay!!!!

Due to current events in my life, it is time to reveal the psychopath Darth Korey. His real name is Jack Jordan Kopac and he was the General Manager at Gamma Supplies (Delta Oil, later Delta Resins) in the late 1970s. The company was bought out and the name changed again in 1987. Jack has sure padded his resume in the intervening years.

Pertinent Info: Jordan Kopac, League Consultant (262) 210-2223;

Now Back to my job at Estron Chemical. My first surprise at my first day of work there is that the laboratory had no heat. Marge who worked mostly in an adjoining office had heat in her office, and when she came into the lab to run the gas chromatograph, she had a small space heater beside her to keep her warm. The rest of the lab had no heat.

This was the beginning of February in an area near Paducah, KY. A search of the internet gives the average high temperature to be 47 degrees and an average low of 28 degrees. Because of the brutal torture I had endured, my physical health was still not good and I was constantly fighting chronic bronchitis. Thus the working conditions were not conducive to good health. As could be expected, soon after my starting work there, my health deteriorated drastically.

I also found out that the area where the plant was located had quit a reputation. When I told people where I worked, they warned me about the chemical pollution in the area. I was told to buy an old clunker car to drive to work because after a period of time, the chemicals would cause the paint on the car to corrode. My response was "Well if the air does that to the paint on your car, imagine what it does to your lungs!" Again, it was not a good for someone in poor health who was fighting bronchitis.

If you drove east of where the chemical plants were located, you would see the mountain sides covered with DEAD pine trees. My theory was that the winds out of the west carried the pollutants from the plants to the tree covered mountains to the east. Of course, no one ever discussed the dead trees and no one ever investigated what was killing the trees. Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil.

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