Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Hell With Them

I had been prescient my entire life, but my ability to know future events to a new twist in 1985 and early 1986.  One evening I had flicked on the TV and there was President Ronald Reagan giving one of his ubiquitous speeches.  The topic that particular night was about the greatness of amerikan technology.  As I stood there listening to his rant, I thought to myself, “God you should do something to show amerikans that technology is not going to save them.  You should blow up a space shuttle or something like that.”  Then it hit me, there was going to be a space shuttle explosion.  The thing is, I didn’t know when or which space shuttle. 

When the next space shuttle launch was to take place (I believe it was around Oct. 1985), I just asked “is this the one?” and got a resounding NO.  I was a little disappointed and began to think maybe there wasn’t going to be a space shuttle explosion.  However, in January, 1986 there was a scheduled launch.  I was standing in the middle of my living room with the news on when they began talking about the next space launch.  So I asked myself, “is this the one?”  In an instant I had this vision – it was like I was watching a huge TV screen.  I could see a large blue background and suddenly there was this puff of smoke and the smoke split into two streams to form a Y shape with a curl on the top of the right side of the Y.  Then I was back standing in my living room.  I knew this space shuttle was going to blow up.  I bet a lot of you are now saying, “Boy this guy is nuts”.  But hang around folks, it gets better.

Several days later, I was standing outside of my place when my neighbor came running out of his house and exclaimed, “The shuttle just blew up!”  I didn’t even know that the launch was that morning because I knew what was going to happen, but on hearing the news I rushed into my home and turned on the TV.  I couldn’t believe what a saw!  There was a blue sky and suddenly a puff of smoke and then the billowing smoke split into a Y and the right side of the Y curled.  It was like watching instant replay.  The explosion being replayed on the TV was to the smallest detail exactly what I had seen in my vision about a week earlier.  I was impressed!

Let me back up for a moment.  If you wonder if I really believed that particular space shuttle would really blow up, my first thoughts on seeing the vision was to warn someone.  But as I thought about it, who would I tell, and even if I did find a person who might be able to do something about it, why would they believe me.  After all, The Crazies had spent years documenting that I was insane.  The only people who might believe me would be The Crazies themselves and as far as I knew, they could be the cause of the explosion for some political gain or even worse, they would use the information for their political gain.  After all, I was a slave to them and they loved to exploit me and then laugh at me.  So my conclusion was the hell with them – and I told no one.  And that is a practice I maintain to this day.  I could know the state of CA was going to break off and fall into the ocean tomorrow and I would not tell anyone.  The hell with them – why should I try to help people bent on destroying me.

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