Monday, November 5, 2012

After 35 years, more terrorism!!!

It seems The Crazies have started harassing and terrorizing me again. Why?   I've learned you don't try to rationalize a motive for irrational behavior.  Look at Cuba.  For over 50 years the amerikan government has pursued an oppressive, tyrannical policy toward that country of about 12 million people in an effort to create pain and suffering among the people to force them to worship amerikan ways.  And after 50 years of a failed policy what does was does the newest GOP neo-Nazi darling Marco Rubio propose?  More severe economic oppression and tyranny.  Don't even try to figure out policies based on irrational HATRED and FEAR.

And what do the amerikan people say about Cuba?  Every recent poll of Americans, including surveys from independent pollsters, shows a majority of Americans favors lifting the U.S. embargo -- with even bigger majorities favoring an end to other embargo-era policies. Americans want to lift the embargo by a margin of 52-to-32 percent, according to a Cuba Policy Foundation poll conducted in 2001 by a nonpartisan independent polling firm. By a 63-to-33 percent margin, Americans believe lifting the embargo would be the most effective way to bring democracy to Cuba. And by a 63-to-24 percent margin, Americans want the U.S. to start a formal dialogue with Cuba now.

Support for important incremental changes in U.S. policy is even stronger. Overwhelming majorities want to lift the U.S. ban on travel to Cuba (67-to-24 percent); to allow American companies to sell food to Cuba (71-to-22 percent); and to allow American companies to sell medicine to Cuba (76-to-17 percent).  It sure doesn't sound like the ruling elitists listen to the amerikan people.

And what does the Bible say?  It says that Satan's last great empire will have three major characteristics.  1) It will persecute and and spill the blood of MANY innocent victims.  Several countries might fit that description, but the other two criteria are almost exclusively amerikan.  2)  It will reign fire from the sky on its enemies.  If you've ever been bombed by a drone, or had Napalm dropped on you or were at Hiroshima when the A-bomb was dropped, I'll bet you thought fire was reigning down from the sky.  And finally, 3) those that will not worship the empires ways will be excluded from commerce.  Look at Cuba and look at me.  The Crazies impose economic poverty and hardship on people and countries that will not worship amerikan ways.  Economic embargoes are the first and most common punitive measure used by this empire.  So don't be surprised by fascist state actions - it's there in black and white for all to read.

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