Tuesday, October 29, 2013

You believe what you are told to believe.

Is there anyway you can go a few minutes now days without hearing or reading about something else that is wrong with the Affordable Health Care Act.  If you can't see how the media tells you what to think and believe, then you really must be out of touch with reality.  The media even use the hate term "ObamaCare" to evoke a strong reactions rather than use the actual title.

Now compare that with the new military jet fiasco.  So far, the US government has given 400 Billion dollars to military/industrial complex corporations which after 12 years in development, still can't fly.  But do you read and about that boondoggle every moment of every day like you do the affordable health care?  Of course not.  However, a website which is probably being attacked by hackers, and may take a  month to get fully functional at a cost of a few million dollars is what monopolizes the news.

Interestingly, the reason for not killing(pardon the pun) the fighter jet is that it is "too big to fail".  The reason is not  because the military needs the jet.  Some military higher-ups have even said that they don't need the plane.  But the waste goes on because the billions of dollars spent so far have infiltrated throughout the fascist state.  It is too big to fail.

Interestingly, the fanatical effort to stop the Affordable Health Care is because the neonazis know that if the system is implemented and starts functioning over the next two years(before the 2016 elections)  the health care law will become too ingrained and integrated into the fabric of the amerikan society.  At that point it will be too big to fail.  The neonazi probably won't be able to stop it although they will still make feeble attempts to end programs like they still try to end Social Security.

Is the amerikan fascist system great or what?!

I moved into my apartment in Tampa and quickly made some new friends.  I started going to the sports pub at Tampa Bay Downs where a lot of wealthy and famous people use to congregate.  I met a small group of older, professionally successful, well-to-do retired men.  Even though I was younger, I had no trouble fitting in with the group.  And at first, I socially interacted without any problems, but over time a small group of mainly younger, not as successful, what I considered crude men started hassling me.  This latter group was sort of typical of the bozos the neonazis still use to harass me.   I'll get into that latter.

I continued to win things in Tampa. Since the car I had was keeping me poor with the constant repairs and services, I decided to get another car with the ten thousand dollars that I had just won.  I sold the car I had for a few hundred dollars and then bought a newer model Toyota Corolla which was much less expensive to operate.  That made it much easier and cheaper for me to get around.  But I still wanted a new car.

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