Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just read an editorial about students at Harvard.  It is reasonable to assume that these students are bright and come from financially well-off families.  What these students believe is that if the act ethically in their careers, they would be bested by their peers who would cut corners to succeed.  The only thing these students are concerned about is success and any means to achieve success is acceptable.  The ends justify the means.

If you couple that attitude with the only law in amerika, "Might is Right" it is easy to understand how I ended up in my predicament.  Rigging a trial and torturing a peon for financial gain when you have power is completely acceptable in the amerikan system.   As it has often been stated, the only crime in amerika is getting caught.  And if you have enough power, you can't get caught!  Therefore, anything is justified.

Jack Kopac told me early on in my stay at Gamma Supplies, "the best form of management/government is the benevolent dictator".  Of course if I had audaciously pointed out that "benevolent dictator" is an oxymoron and reflects a view that working class people are slaves, I would have given him another reason to hate me.  But as I was to learn, the benevolent dictator paradigm is the reality of amerika.  To the ruling fascist elite, working people are slaves and fascist elite collectively as a class, are a "benevolent dictator".

That is how is 1987 I ended up unemployed, brutally tortured for 10 years, in poor physical health, financially poor and isolated. To the ruling fascist elite(benevolent dictator), I was "mentally ill".  What other explanation could there be for the above view of amerika?

So what was I to do.  In my future blogs, I will describe my efforts to once again use the amerikan system to find an answer to my problems.  The answer I got was not encouraging which left me with one last alternative, get a second opinion!

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