Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Insane Psychopath's Solution - Be More Insane!

For the people reading this, let me say that deliberate "coincidences" don't seem like a big deal at first. After all, today Big Brother watches you and researches information on you all the time. Your medical, library and other records are routinely checked by those in authority, video cameras are everywhere in stores, work places and on the highways and everyone is encouraged to report anything "suspicious" that a neighbor or coworker might do. It is a real Orwellian society. So a few arranged coincidences to let the victim know he is being watched seems like no big deal.

But the arranged coincidences that were being orchestrated in my environment had a much more sinister, and scientifically based purposes. They were meant to drive me insane and cause a nervous breakdown. At the time these events were taking place, I was unaware of the psychological studies supporting the purpose, just as I was unaware that the psychological double binds (no-win situations) could cause schzophenia. The original experiments were carried out on dogs, but I'm sure there are human experiments such as those carried out by Dr. Cameron for the CIA which have never been reported to the public.

The basic scenario is this. A caged dog is shown a wite circle at the far end of his cage. When the dog goes over to check it out, he is fed or given some sort of treat(positive reinforcement). Eventually the dog becomes conditioned to run over to get the treat as soon as the white circle is inserted in the cage. Then a white elipse(football shaped) object is inserted in the cage. As soon as the dog runs over to inspect the object expecting food, he is given an electric shock. In time, the dog becomes conditioned so that a white circle causes him to run over and get food, and a white elipse inserted in the cage causes the dog to stay away and cower in fear.

Now the object inserted in the cage becomes less of an elipse, but not a true circle. The white object inserted in the cage becomes indistinguishable to the dog. Will he be shocked or will he receive food? Eventually when the inserted white object becomes indistinguishable to the dog, he will become agitated, pace or tremble in the corner. In other words the dog will no longer be able to function normally and will have a nervous breakdown.

In my case, the insane psychopaths(redundant)created obvious coincidences and there are of course natural coincidences occurring in ones environment. If you create enough coincidences like the snow tires, and the victim knows the malicious, sick perpetrators are behing the actions, the victim becomes conditioned and fear is created. Eventually, the victim can no longer tell a true coincident from an orchestrated one. The result - a nervous breakdown, the victim can no longer function normally. And remember, the coincidences followed by the electric shock started almost from the day I joined Gamma Supplies. A example - I mentioned that it annoyed me when the phone rang and when you answered, the calling party hung up. The very next day, I started receiveing harrassing phone calls(coincidence followed by electric shock). And these sick bastards still some 30 years later are trying to convince people that my being tortured is my fault. IT WAS PREMEDITATED!

Now the dog had to be caged or else he would run away. The victim of the fascist sickos had to be poor so he didn't have the economic resourse to escape. Now the whole plan to use and destroy the victim is looking more and more premeditated from day one. And one last major factor that keeps the victim from fleeing is that I was born and raised in america and as a result I had been throughly conditioned to believe in the american system - The Big Lie(Hitler's famous statement)that all of you are conditioned to believe in. I guess the good new is americans today are becoming less and less gullible and more and more angry.

Now really folks, how many average americans know the techniques to drive a person insane? But the sickos in Nazi government and business do and they use it to destroy people who they exploit. And they do it WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS. They use your tax dollars to destroy decent, law bidding, hard working citizen victims who want to warn the rest of the world about Fascist America. Oh, and at the nonskilled working position, it appears Fascist America plans to replace decent, law-bidding, hard working natural citizens with illegal immigrants!

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