Thursday, October 22, 2009

Malicious Fascist Big Brother is watching YOU!

The object of the change in the day of my weekly meeting with Dr. Cohen seemed to be to isolate Anita from the rest of the world with which I had contact. One of the initial unusual things about my RAM job was that no one from RAM had made any contact with my wife. In addition to the fact we had been give no assistance in finding a home, no one had made any attempt to welcome Anita to the area. Now it appeared an attempt was being made to isolate her from my therapist. Initially I could not understand the reason for the separation of my life from my wife, but when I later became knowledgeable in terrorist techniques, the reason became obvious.

It was now early November and I decided to get snow tires for the Datsun sports car. Normally I would have just called some local shop and made an appointment to have the tires changed, but now because of the past tampering with the car, I was afraid something would go wrong. I decided to have Anita call my parents from her work place and have my parents make an appointment at the Datsun dealer in Scranton. That way I thought that "they" might not know and would not mess things up. The next day I went into work and Don immediately came up to me and said "Do you have your snow tires on your car yet?" I was a little stunned at first, but I just took it as a coincident. Later in the day I was working in the laboratory when Don walked in and started a conversation. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation Don again asked the same question about snow tires. "Do you have your snow tires on your car yet?"

At that point I knew it was no longer a coincidence and "they" were letting me know that "they" knew I was going to have snow tires put on my car. Immediately the fear of something going wrong ran through my mind, and I imagined all sorts of ways "they" could have found out about my plans. Just to make sure that I did't think the reference to snow tires was a coincidence, Don ran into me in the men's room, walked up to me and again said, "Do you have your snow tires on your car yet?" He paused, "Oh, I already asked you that." Then he looked directly at me and half smiled.

What could I do? If I asked him why he kept asking me that question, he could have given me any answer and then tell me I should see the doctor about my "problem". In fact, when I did question anything, I was immediately sent to medical. It was a classic "no win" situation.

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